Talk on "Women’s Health"
Our Lady of Pompei Parish, Urwa organized a health talk on "Women’s Health" on 23.07.2015 at 4.0 pm.
Read moreHealth Education Programme
Health Education Programme by the Department of Community Medicine.
Read moreThe St. Joseph’s Leprosy Hospital, a unit of Father Muller’s Charitable Institutions completed 126 years of its service to those suffering from leprosy. Fr. Augustus Muller, S J started an asylum for leprosy patients in 1890 where they were helped to live with human dignity, of which they were deprived, and allowed to reach peacefully their heavenly abode when God called them.
Dr.AloysiusFelix Coelho took charge as a Medical Officer after completing his training at the school of Tropical Medicines, Calcutta. He continued to serve the hospital for 35 years.
Mar 10
Mar 13
Graduation Ceremony ...
JUN 23
09:45am - 16:00pm
Mar 13
Inauguration of Fath...
Education is key,
if it’s success you wish to see.
Not just better healthcare,
but a better healthcare experience.