The Curricular committee of Father Muller College of Nursing under the guidance of
Committee Chairperson Mrs Leena Margaret Castelino organized
a Seminar on "Building integrity: Fusion of Professional Ethics and Human
Values" on 9th October 2024, in Rajath Bhavan. The program commenced
at 9am with a prayer song. Dr Agnes EJ, Vice Principal,
welcomed the gathering and introduced the resourcepersons, Dr Reshma G Kini,
Professor Department of Pathology, Father Muller
Medical College and Prof. Cynthia Santhmayor, Professor and Principal, Father
Muller College of Speech and Hearing, FMCI were the resource persons for the
seminar. After the sessions, the resource persons were presented with token of
appreciation by Dr Agnes E J, Vice Principal FMCON and Committee Chairperson
Mrs Leena Margaret Castelino, FMCON. About 100 1st BSc
students were the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries gave positive feedback towards
the session. A Role Play competition on the theme "Nursing with heart and
ethics" was held from 1.45 pm onwards. The judges were Dr Josmitha Lecturer
Department of Child Health Nursing, FMCON and Ms Renita Lasrado ANS/ CNE
co-ordinator Father Muller Medical College Hospital. The prizes were bagged by
1st Year BSc Nursing and 1stPBBSc (N) students. The
master of ceremony for the event was Ms Charitha Lewis, Lecturer, Medical
Surgical Nursing FMCON. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Nitha Meena Coelho.
The session was concluded with the college anthem.